Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend

This weekend was filled with picnics for us. We had one to go to each day on Saturday and Sunday and then we decided to host one at our house today. Tanner was in his glory with all the people and activity. We kept telling him we were going to a party so by the end of yesterday he was saying "pardee. pardee." over and over. This is Tanner posing yesterday in the garden at Rob's old boss's, John Atwater. Poser.

Today at our house...chillin in the pool before everyone arrived...

A wagon ride with friends Henry and Kylie...

There goes Joey down the slide. The kids went berzerk for the pool today. It was 80 degrees and they were lovin it. Tanner went through 2 swimmy diapers. FYI - A poop change in a wet swimmy diaper is NOT a fun time.

Joey on Tanner's 4-wheeler. Tanner gets on, pushes the pedal and goes...directly into whatever is in his path. I guess the steering thing comes later...

Nope, that's not Tanner. That's our new friend Cameron from up the street. We met at playgroup and they are just 2 weeks apart and exactly the same size. Very cute. Cameron proceeded to slide with gusto into the pool repeatedly for at least an hour, giggling all the while. Adorable.

We had water balloons, squirt guns, and the sprinkler for the kids. Ladder golf and washer board for the big boys and of course lots of food. Rob cooked steak, chicken, brats, and hotdogs. In our dramatic moment of the day, Tanner pulled a stunt we hope he wont repeat. I was across the yard and I saw it coming in slow motion but knew I wouldn't make it to him in time. I stood there frozen and watched the whole thing while screaming "ROOOBBB!!!" One of the older kids had left the 4-wheeler parked just a few feet from the rock wall, pointed straight for it. So when Tanner got on, he just pushed the buttom as usual and off he went. Literally. He drove straight off the wall. The 4-wheeler took a nose dive, flipped over and landed on top of him. Somehow he escaped unscathed except for a little nose bleed and a bruise on his back that showed up at bathtime tonight. Eeek. That little trooper was even back on that thing not 20 minutes later.

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