Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mothers Day

Neighbor Mike gives Tanner a ride on the "tactor"...Tanner LOVES the lawnmower and spends a lot of time admiring it and trying to "drive" it while its parked in Mike's yard. Poor Mike gets suckered in every time...

Tanner's first bike! He thinks its pretty cool, but at the moment, seems to like the froggy horn we put on it better than the bike itself. He loves to climb on and give it a go, but certainly hasn't gotten the hang of it yet. However he SAYS "bike" very clearly and has been bringing anyone who will go, over to it to show it off...
Rob surprised me and lined up a babysitter last night for Mothers Day. I didn't find out until after noon, that Lindsay was coming to babysit at 6:00...Rob and I had our first date in a long time...we went to dinner in Amherst, then drinks and desert afterward. We had a great time.

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