Thursday, May 15, 2008

Murphy's Law Murphy's Law Murphy's Law

If you read yesterday's post, you could tell how momentous it was for Tanner to sleep in...He's been sleeping so well for about 6 months now! I would say he wakes us up maybe one time, once a week. Its glorious. I feel like I can lay my head down at night and count on a good solid sleep. Weeeeeell, last night not only did he not sleep in, but he was up 4 times crying and calling out "Mommyyyyy" "Momma Momma Mooooommmmmaa" in a distressed tone...Rob went in once and I went in 3 times - something like 12:30, 1:30, 3:30, and 5:30...and each time, he would lay back down and we'd cover him up, make sure he had all his binkies, and he'd go right back to sleep. What the?!#$%
All we can figure is that he is getting to really like his blankets on him and can't get them back on himself yet, so he's calling us in to do it. Better not make a habit of it! I'm already having flashbacks! I thought those days were over! Crossing my fingers for tonight.

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