Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Danga, Banga, and Magda

This past weekend we visited Schoharie. Tanner had a great time at Nana and PopPops and at Gramma Va's. He talks nonstop these days - he's an endless flow of jibber jabber. Sometimes to himself and sometimes to us. Its darling and such a riot. Some of his words are clear as a bell, and if not, I can usually figure it out. And every now and then he stumps me. We practice a lot of words and if he's in an agreeable mood, he'll try to repeat almost anything (one or two syllable). He loves to say "Nana" and "PopPop" - he's had those down for a while. This weekend we were working on "Gramma". I even dropped the "r" and tried for "Gamma"...but no matter how hard he tried, it kept coming out "Danga", "Banga", or "Magda." It cracks me up. We tried not to let him see us laugh but it was the cutest thing, especially when he really wanted to get Gramma Va's attention - you could just see him struggle to call out her name - he would have this sort of urgency in his voice and he'd start with a forced consonant and just fudge it after that. Probably one of those things where you had to be there...but anyway, it was priceless.
Danga Va set up a sand heap and a play area in her backyard. Tanner just loved it - all the rocks and obstacles to play with...right up his alley.

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