The leaves are changing here...and on the way to work this morning Tanner was in a great mood, chattering away...at one point he said "A rainbow." I said, "a rainbow?" "where?" he replied "up in the tree mommy." He saw the red, yellow, and orange leaves and thought of a rainbow. Its so fun to witness him discovering meaning and language.
He's been saying "alright (awight), mommy" after I ask him to do something...it melts my heart. Tanner is not a child I would describe as "agreeable." So to hear him verbally agree is so sweet. He's going through a cookie stage where nine times out of ten, he wants a cookie for his meal. Coming down the stairs to the kitchen at 5:45am (his usual get up time) he's shouting "cookie!" I wanna cookie!" with such delight that its hard to deny him (but I do). So then we end up in a struggle over what's really in front of him because he wants a cookie (or a popsicle - "pockatu").
The other day he counted to 6 all by himself. He was sitting on the floor taking crayons out one by one and counting very matter of factly. I was impressed, though I think he may have skipped two (I'm pretty sure it went "one, three, four, five, six"). Nevertheless, mommy was proud.
This weekend we hope to paint Tanner's room. It needs it desperately - they had it this bright orange. I mean BRIGHT. And ever since Rob spackled every hole in every wall throughout the entire house, I'm looking to move along with the painting. All I asked was for him to spackle some holes in one of the bathrooms (because we were planning to paint in there). Next thing I know, the WHOLE house is polka dotted. Looks real good folks. Men. I tell ya.
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