Friday, September 12, 2008

Quick Catch Up

I'm going to try to get in a quick update since they've been so few and far between this summer! We closed on our new house one week ago today and started cleaning and moving right away. We had a 24' Uhaul rented on Saturday. Rob somehow convinced 10 of his guy friends to help us move in exchange for beer and pizza. The move went very well. Although most of my belongings are still in the basement and garage, I've only found one casualty so far - a broken planter. No big deal. They made 3 trips that day with the truck...and then Rob and I made 4 trips the next day with our old neighbor's pickup truck. Whew! I was thinking about having Rob drive the last couple of loads straight to the dump. Who needs that much stuff!@#!!

Rob's parents came on Saturday. His dad ran some wiring (we converted the gas stove in the kitchen to electric) among other things and his mom looked after Tanner all day. I cleaned and expedited all day (someone has to answer "where do you want this?" "where should I put that?" etc etc)...somehow Rob's mom managed to clean and scour all 3 bathrooms top to bottom that day as well. I mean, she scrubbed walls with bleach water people! Unbelievable. His parents were only here 24 hours but they did so much for us.

In the past week, we've had so many people in and out its crazy...the furnace people were here twice (once to deliver oil and once to clean and service the furnace), Lowes delivering appliances, Verizon, Comcast, Carpet Cleaners, and Rob's brother Jim came for 3 full days helping to install appliances, lighting, repair water damaged drywall from the pipes bursting etc etc...

Tanner has done great with the move. He says he likes the new house...he's sleeping well - only got up one night...and has made it past 6:00 most mornings! Yay. Good thing he's so adaptable b/c today is his last day at the daycare he's been going to for the last 2 years. He starts a new daycare next week. We went twice this week to transition...I think he will love it. Amanda, his current provider, is having her 3rd that's why he's changing...its time for a bigger, more structured environment anyway...I think he'll do great and am very excited for the change. It just so happens that it coincides with our move a little too closely. Ah, he'll be fine.

There's so much more, but I have to go get Tanner. So I'll leave you with a "funny" story. Last night, Tanner got a hold of a black permanent marker. He came strolling into the living room where we were trying to hook up the TV, with big bold black lines drawn all over his face. At first, I thought it was just his washable markers in dark brown...then I realized how black it was and he doesn't have black in his washable markers. My heart sunk as I walked quickly into the family room envisioning black lines on furniture, walls and carpet...luckily, he had only decorated his face...whew! I took a pampers wipe to his cheeks and it worked quite well. Between that and his bath, there was only one faint line left...

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