Thursday, January 3, 2008

Sleep Update

Someone asked me recently how Tanner was sleeping these days and I realized maybe I haven't given this topic fair air time recently...maybe I was afraid to jinx it...or maybe its just that when things go well, we have a tendency to forget to talk about it! Tanner has been sleeping great for a little over 2 months now! I find that I'm finally allowing myself to believe that it's going to stay this way and isn't temporary (hopefully?)...He goes to bed between 7:30 and 8:30 and sleeps until 6:30 - 7:00am. Its glorious. He gets up for unknown reasons maybe once or twice a week - but its usually brief and he goes right back to sleep. He's always been great at going to bed. He has his bath, jammies, bottle and binkies (at least 2), books and then we do "night night light"...He usually winds himself down in his crib for anywhere from 10-20 minutes - he doesn't fuss, just putts around rolling this way and that, talking to himself and getting comfortable...
It took 14+ months, but we are finally able to lay our heads down at night feeling like we can COUNT on a good night's sleep. Glory Be.

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