How was I to know what would happen! About a week or two ago Tanner became unusually fascinated with the mobile above his crib. He wanted me to wind it up every night and he'd bob his head side to side to the music...It became part of our bedtime routine and was quite cute. Well this afternoon he decided to boycot his nap and raise cain in his crib instead. He was talking happily to himself and just hanging out so I came downstairs and had the monitor on. About 15 minutes later he still wasn't asleep and I wondered what was keeping his attention so well that he wasnt fussing. Then I heard it. A great big SNAP! sound. I looked at the monitor and saw that he was sitting happily in his crib playing with a pile of plastic and fabric pieces and parts. I went up and sure enough he had managed to reach up and grab it - pulled so hard that he broke it off at the base. Part of it was still attached to the crib! A nice clean break in the plastic. Good and broke. I found it hilarious. I told him to put it back and the sweet little boy that he is, he tried. Then I told him it was a "hat" and well, see for yourself:

Kind of a strange hat...

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