I've always been so into "documenting" and "memory preserving"... I have scrapbooks, photo albums, and blogs of oodles of pre-baby days...trips we took, wedding planning, bachelorette, wedding day, pregnancy, etc...I always thought the biggest "documenting" of all would be the baby days...well today I was in Old Navy and for the first time, realized I was no longer shopping in the "baby" section...I had to go to the next bay over to find his size...the "toddler" section! This might not seem significant, but it was king of a big deal to me! What do you mean I can't find 12-18 mos in the "baby" section?!
Tanner is 1-year old, he's walking, running, climbing, and talking...his first birthday party has come and gone and I hadn't so much as posted a single word or made a single album for the little guy...
Tonight Rob is gone on a much needed /deserved guys night out in CT and I finally set up my blog account and here I am tired, but typing away. I'm not going to try to recap in detail the last year of Tanner's life. Most of you know at least little about the time we've had with Tanner's GI issues affecting his sleep, etc. I had noooo idea it could be this hard without decent sleep. The first 6 months we were up 6-12 times a night every night. It got a little better after 6 mos, and then a little better again after 9 mos. Then it got worse again around 11 mos because we were trying too many foods with him. So we cut that out and he' s back on a "bland food" diet and he started sleeping better. Then last week he started cutting more teeth (he has 4 so far and he's cutting several more) and it was back to up 2-4 times a night. Its definitely better than it was, but far from perfect. I certainly can't count on laying my head down on my pillow and getting a good night's sleep. After a year, its a disconcerting feeling.This week so far there has been only one night where he didn't get up. In fact, seeing that I'm on my own tonight, I'm going to bed VERY soon in case we have a bad night. I keep telling myself that its temporary. I mean, I can't see that he'll be 15 and calling out for me to come in his room several times a night.
Despite being tired most of my life these days, I've never experienced so much love and joy. Its hard for a mother to put into words the way we feel about our children, isn't it. He is my pride and joy. Every time I look at him I want to sqeeze him and kiss him. So I do. As much as possible while I can. From what everyone says, before I know it he'll actually be 15 and certainly won't want me hugging and kissing him all day long.
Tanner is 1-year old, he's walking, running, climbing, and talking...his first birthday party has come and gone and I hadn't so much as posted a single word or made a single album for the little guy...
Tonight Rob is gone on a much needed /deserved guys night out in CT and I finally set up my blog account and here I am tired, but typing away. I'm not going to try to recap in detail the last year of Tanner's life. Most of you know at least little about the time we've had with Tanner's GI issues affecting his sleep, etc. I had noooo idea it could be this hard without decent sleep. The first 6 months we were up 6-12 times a night every night. It got a little better after 6 mos, and then a little better again after 9 mos. Then it got worse again around 11 mos because we were trying too many foods with him. So we cut that out and he' s back on a "bland food" diet and he started sleeping better. Then last week he started cutting more teeth (he has 4 so far and he's cutting several more) and it was back to up 2-4 times a night. Its definitely better than it was, but far from perfect. I certainly can't count on laying my head down on my pillow and getting a good night's sleep. After a year, its a disconcerting feeling.This week so far there has been only one night where he didn't get up. In fact, seeing that I'm on my own tonight, I'm going to bed VERY soon in case we have a bad night. I keep telling myself that its temporary. I mean, I can't see that he'll be 15 and calling out for me to come in his room several times a night.
Despite being tired most of my life these days, I've never experienced so much love and joy. Its hard for a mother to put into words the way we feel about our children, isn't it. He is my pride and joy. Every time I look at him I want to sqeeze him and kiss him. So I do. As much as possible while I can. From what everyone says, before I know it he'll actually be 15 and certainly won't want me hugging and kissing him all day long.
Congratulations on starting a blog! I was wondering how it was going with the GI issues, so it was nice to get an update. Tanner is such a cutie! Tim and I are visiting your grandparents right now, so I'll be sure to show them what you've posted (I'm using dial-up, but it works!).
Wow, Tanner is getting so big. He's very handsome, too. I had no idea you guys had such a hard time at night. You are superwoman working with that kind of sleep schedule. I feel guilty for ever complainging about Sasha after reading what you've been though. I'm sure your at the tail end of bad nights. I want to get a Blog soon, I'll email you the link. Keep in touch. -Gibranna & Sasha
What is that bowl he is sitting in?
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