Gramma Va came to visit last night and this morning on her way to Cape Cod and brought this fun slide. Tanner climbs up the ladder, positions himself to go down either backwards, sitting, or face first, and just lets go! It is hilarious. Half falling, half sliding, he never knows how he's going to land. He took a couple of clunks on the head but that didn't stop him. He did it over and over laughing all the way...often clapping for himself at the bottom. So cute. All this despite the fact that he caught a virus this week and according to the doc, has Croup. His cough sounds like a barking dog. Its terrible. (He had Croup when he was 6 mos old too and it was worse then.) You wouldn't know it according to his mood. He's happy as a lark. The "happy wheezers" I guess they call them...This past week or so, he's been busy imitating EVERYTHING. Tonight he actually went over to the dog while he was drinking at his water bowl, bent down next to him and started "lapping" the air with his tongue. Oh how I wish I had an instantaneous video recorder for moments like that. I'm going to work on capturing that one...
I often catch him imitating facial expressions and gestures...and the other day I saw him in my rear view mirror imitating a sneeze while watching Baby Einstein. He went "heh, heh, heeeh?@!?!?!! Choooo!" He's also very busy TESTING mommy and daddy. He purposely waits until we're looking at him and goes and does something we've told him "no" over. The big one right now is his bottle. He turns it upside down and lets it drain out onto the floor. Or his toys. Or clothes...whatever. He walks around with it like that and "drains" it onto anything he can. Draws pictures on the floor with it...dumps it onto Theo's back...
doesn't matter how many times I tell him no and take it away. He's been doing it for months. Isn't this supposed to be happening closer to the two's????
He still loves bathtime like no other time of day...As soon as I say its time for bath, he's at the gate ready to go upstairs...He's been blowing bubbles since he was 10 mos old and he is now trying to put his head under water! Seriously. He just can't figure out how not to get water up his nose. Tonight he bent down and stuck his head under the faucet as the tub was filling, letting the water just flow over the crown of his head...He loves to stretch himself out on his tummy and kick his feet like he's swimming. I don't know where he gets it because neither Rob or I are big swimmers.
Sleep Report: Same. Still not sleeping good...especially now that he's sick. He's had 2 good nights in the last 3 weeks. Some days I am soooooo sick of that and it get depressing and difficult to go on like this. But then go to get him and see his bright smiling face and suddenly I can go one more day...On that note, I think I'll go to bed...
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