Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Trip to Rochester to visit great gramma Jean and gramma Bonnie

Two weekends ago we made a trip to Rochester, NY to visit Grandma Jean and Bob and Bonnie, Vinnie and Danny. It had been 6 months since any of them had seen Tanner and it was well worth the 6 hour car ride. Tanner was FABULOUS in the car (compared to his usual car behavior). Though he slept only about an hour and a half out of the 6 hour trip each way, he managed to stay in good spirits watching Elmo's World 4 times and with just one 40 minute pit stop. This is a child that normally fusses and fidgets on the 20 minute ride to daycare...who I have to sometimes hop in the back seat to soothe or entertain just to make it through an hour long ride in the car...who we have to wrestle into the carseat because he'll fight us with all he's this trip was a first for us. I kept waiting for the meltown and when it never happened on the way there I was sure we were in for it on the way home. He was a gem. How very encouraging for future road trips! We were very proud of him. And it was such a wonderful visit and so good to see my family.

Great gramma Jean getting down to play with Tanner. She let him play with every knick knack he could get his hands on. He was in his glory running around with little porcelain figurines and breakables all day long and I was holding my breath trying to get things away from him as often as possible...Well he only broke two things all weekend, thanks to a thick carpet. Gram
said it was nothing and Bob said "good, now we can throw that away..." ha
I actually remember playing with this same toy when I was little!!! A mini cast iron stove with working parts...

Tanner took a liking to Grandpa Bob too...I found them like this one morning..casually readin' the paper..

Family Photo at Bonnie's house...Bonnie had everyone over for lasagne dinner Saturday night...

Gramma Bonnie goofing around with Tanner

Vanilla ice cream...yum!!!!

Cousin Danny looked after Tanner a good part of the night on Saturday. Tanner loved him and Danny was so great with Tanner. Thanks Danny!

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