Sunday, October 7, 2007

I love tag sales!

Last weekend Gramma and Grampa Lockwood were here to visit. We were out Tag Saling on Saturday and they found Tanner this 4 wheeler. We figured it would fit him in a year or two but for $35, who could pass it up. Well we got some use out of it already when Hunter came over for a couple of hours on Wednesday. They road it all over the yard and around the house. Tanner was laughing all the way, but of course by the time I grabbed the photo op, he was ready to get off.

Yesterday was unusually hot and we had already put away the kiddie pool for the year, so we got out this toy that we often use as a "water table" of sorts for Tanner. We figured he could spash his hands around in it and play with some toys in it. Well I guess he had other ideas. I mentioned in the last post that he has been climbing up on everything...well there he was, sitting in the water on top of/amidst all his toys. He sat there like that for a good 15 minutes. (BTW, the toy you see is also from a Tag Sale last summer).

Rob, Tanner, and I also went Tag Saling this weekend. Among other things, we found this Kelty Kids carrier for just $20.00! We "tested" it out in our yard today and he seemed fine in it. We've been wanting to get one of these for a while now - its in perfect shape - like new. A fall hike is on our agenda for next weekend!

1 comment:

Nicole said...

What great deals you've gotten! I am jealous. I try, but just can't seem to find the good items!!